ASL Cloud - Your New Safety Technology System
Powered by Siemens Mindsphere, ASL Cloud provides full digitalisation to Gas and Flame detection systems. Connecting everything, it enables powerful data analysis and visualisation in a real time, cloud-based environment. Clients can now receive live alarm alerts, data analysis and insights from anywhere in the world! With the power of ASL Cloud, they can make changes, keep staff safer, positively impact productivity and working environments.
MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects your products, plants, systems and machines.
Monitor your plant and staff 24/7 without the need to be onsite
Instantly receive email notifications of alarm activation to specified users
Download data logs from your Portable and Area gas detection equipment along with your fixed gas system, providing a full site solution
Access live data 24/7 365 days of the year through ASL Cloud web portal
Multi User / Multi Site access via ASL Cloud’s portal from any device, anywhere in the world
No company network available? ASL Cloud operates on a multitude of connections
Already have an existing system installed? ASL Cloud can connect to a range of multiple manufactures
Live data demo
Dangerous level detected
A dangerous gas level has been detected, this is in accordance with the OHSA levels as recommended by the HSE. ASL Cloud will now notify nominated users of this alarm and report on the essential required data.
Dangerous level detected
A dangerous gas level has been detected, this is in accordance with the OHSA levels as recommended by the HSE. ASL Cloud will now notify nominated users of this alarm and report on the essential required data.
Average Percentage
24/7 Recording of Average Gas Levels
Calculate the average level of gas detected over a pre-determined time. In the case of toxic gas this will be in line with the OHSA WEL’s
Clients can now recieve live alarm alerts, data analysis and insights from anywhere in the world!
Discover the journey
From detection of a gas hazard, to harnessing data in the ASL Cloud, learn how this journey is achieved via different hardware and digital connectivity applications.
Book a demo
Find the right package for you
ASL Cloud currently has two membership packages available to its users, with a third package available shortly. You can upgrade your package at any point during your membership.
Our entry level to ASL Cloud. The Standard package simply allows the user to access their data and our Cloud System.
- User Access for Multi Users
- Download and Export of Data into Excel
- Remote Monitoring of Multi Sites
- Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Email Alarm Notifications
Our most popular choice. The Premium package provides access to user and ASL Cloud Team for data management.
- User Access for Multi Users
- Download and Export of Data into Excel
- Remote Monitoring of sites
- Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Email Alarm Notifications
- Bi-Directional Communication for Remote Fault Diagnostics
- Predict Sensor Failures
Coming soon
Premium Plus
The Premium Plus package will allow access for the user and ASL Cloud Team but will also provide Bi-Directional communication, allowing remote maintenance and predict sensor failure.
- User Access for Multi Users
- Download and Export of Data into Excel
- Remote Monitoring of Sites
- Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
- Email Alarm Notifications
- Bi-Directional Communication for Remote Fault Diagnostics
- Predict Sensor Failures
See the Benefits for Yourself - Book a Demo Today
You can book a demo below via the calendar function. Alternatively, for further information or to arrange a live demo of the ASL Cloud, please complete and submit the form below and one of the ASL Cloud Team will contact you on the same working day.