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ASL Cloud - Your New Safety Technology System

Powered by Siemens Mindsphere, ASL Cloud provides full digitalisation to Gas and Flame detection systems. Connecting everything, it enables powerful data analysis and visualisation in a real time, cloud-based environment. Clients can now receive live alarm alerts, data analysis and insights from anywhere in the world! With the power of ASL Cloud, they can make changes, keep staff safer, positively impact productivity and working environments.

Powered by Siemens

MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects your products, plants, systems and machines.

24/7 Remote Monitoring

Monitor your plant and staff 24/7 without the need to be onsite

Alert Notification

Instantly receive email notifications of alarm activation to specified users

Portable & Fixed Gas Capabilities

Download data logs from your Portable and Area gas detection equipment along with your fixed gas system, providing a full site solution

Real Time Reporting

Access live data 24/7 365 days of the year through ASL Cloud web portal

Remote Access to Cloud Software

Multi User / Multi Site access via ASL Cloud’s portal from any device, anywhere in the world

3G, 4G and Wifi Connectivity

No company network available? ASL Cloud operates on a multitude of connections

Multi Manufacturer Compliant

Already have an existing system installed? ASL Cloud can connect to a range of multiple manufactures

Live data demo

Choose a type of gas

Oxygen Methane
Time (Hours)Percentage Level (1%)
Time (Hours)Percentage Level (1%)


Average Percentage


24/7 Recording of Average Gas Levels

Calculate the average level of gas detected over a pre-determined time. In the case of toxic gas this will be in line with the OHSA WEL’s

Clients can now recieve live alarm alerts, data analysis and insights from anywhere in the world!

PortableApplicationsFixedApplicationsAreaMonitoringDetectionControllerSiemensMind ConnectCentralisedDataMobileConnectivityPortableApplicationsFixedApplicationsAreaMonitoringDetectionControllerSiemensMind ConnectCentralisedDataMobileConnectivity

Discover the journey

From detection of a gas hazard, to harnessing data in the ASL Cloud, learn how this journey is achieved via different hardware and digital connectivity applications.

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asl cloud
  • mobile connectivity
  • centralised data
  • mind connect
  • detection controller
  • area monitoring
  • fixed applications
  • portable applications
Mobile Connectivity

Users can interrogate live data via specifically designed mobile Apps without the need to be onsite. It will also notify nominated users via email alarm alerts in the case of a safety critical event.

Control Room

In addition to its mobile applications, live data feeds can be centralised, offering 24-hour connectivity to your remote gas detection system. ASL cloud can connect multiple sites at multiple locations, negating the needs for laborious data collection.

Siemens Mind Connect

The Siemens Mind Connect unit is an integral part of ASL Cloud. Along with our expertise, this piece of hardware is responsible for digitising your Flame and Gas system. It’s primary role is to transfer the data from your systems into the ASL Cloud.

Oldham MX43 – Detection Controller

The Oldham MX43 is our preferred certified gas detection controller. This unit is responsible for 24-hour communication with your transmitters and sensors. It can control up to 32 sensors at any time, passing their data into the Siemens Mind Connect unit.

Area Gas Detection Applications

Long duration portable gas detection, will communicate wirelessly to the MX43 – Detection Controller, which in turn will send the data to the ASL Cloud via the Mind Connect unit. Meaning that you can keep your teams of staff safe and monitor exposure over time. ASL Cloud will also alert you to Area Gas alarms.

Gas & Flame Transmitters

We can fit a multitude of transmitters and sensors to fulfil any requirement. These will monitor the area and react to any level of gas level or fire threat. This will instantaneously pass the data to the MX43 – Detection Controller, for transfer to the Mind Connect Box and then into ASL Cloud. Connection to ASL Cloud means we monitor sensor derogation and prewarn you when a replacement is required. We can also retro fit ASL Cloud to any existing system that you already have in place.

Cloud Based Personal Gas Detection Data

Our highly recommended unit is the Oldham PS200 due to its unique data transfer capabilities. At the end of the day, once “Docked” in its interface, it will download all the data and event history, then transfer this to the ASL Cloud. Meaning that you can monitor exposure limits of staff over a period of time.

  • siemens mind connect Siemens Mind Connect 2040
  • gas monitor 3M – PS200 Standard Filter Gas Monitor
  • detection controller MX43 SIL-1 Certified Gas Detection Controller
  • asl cloud Introducing ASL Cloud
  • gas detection 3M – BM25 Transportable Area Gas Detection
siemens mind connect

Siemens Mind Connect 2040

MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects your products, plants, systems and machines, enabling you to harness the wealth of data generated by the Internet of Things (IoT) with advanced analytics.

  • Designed and built by Siemens
  • 24/7 communication to the ASL Cloud
  • Fault diagnostic and alerts
  • Data visualisation and exploration
gas monitor


The PS200 Series MultiGas Defector is a compact, yet rugged, portable four gas detector, engineered for the detection of; oxygen, combustibles, hydrogen, sulphide, and carbon monoxide. The large, easy to read display, includes a backlight to ensure easy viewing of gas concentrations and other vital data. In addition, the detector is fitted with an optional built-in sampling pump, making it ideal for use in confined space applications.

  • Download data and synchronise into ASL Cloud
  • Simple 1-button operation
  • Measures up to 4 gases:
    CH4 – Methane (LEL)
    O2 – Oxygen
    CO – Carbon Monoxide
    H2S – Hydrogen Sulphide
  • Internal pump (optional)
detection controller

MX43 SIL-1 Certified Gas Detection Controller

Fully scalable and designed to functional safety performance level 1 standards, the MX 43 is an analogue and digital controller that continuously measures and controls gases in the atmosphere. The MX 43 gas detector manages both digital lines and analogue channels and covers all needs for a wide variety of gas monitoring applications. The MX 43 digital technology allows up to 32 detectors to be distributed on 8 lines for increased cost savings.

  • 24/7 monitoring of gas detection transmitters
  • Recording in real-time of all events (alarms, faults, alarm resets, calibration etc.)
  • RS485 Modbus Communication
  • Has the capacity to detect 32 transmitters over a digital line
asl cloud

Introducing ASL Cloud

Powered by Siemens Mindsphere, ASL Cloud provides full digitalisation to Gas and Flame detection systems. Connecting everything, it enables powerful data analysis and visualisation in a real time, cloud-based environment. Clients can now receive live alarm alerts, data analysis and insights from anywhere in the world! With the power of ASL Cloud, they can make changes, keep staff safer and positively impact productivity and working environments.

  • Remote access to live data
  • Email alarm and event notifications
  • Report functionality
  • Live GPRS tracking via Google Maps
gas detection

3M – BM25 Transportable Area Gas Detection

The BM25 packs the benefits of a fixed system area monitor into a rugged, user-friendly and transportable instrument. It was designed to detect 1 to 5 gases for mobile or temporary work applications, team protection, area surveillance or places where fixed detection systems are not suitable. Powered by a NiMH battery pack, the BM 25 multi gas monitor offers up to 170 hours of continuous run time. Other standard features include STEL and TWA values, as well as a data logging capacity of more than 4 months.

  • Detect up to 5 gases simultaneously
  • Run time of 170 hours
  • 103 dB at 3 feet audible alarm
  • Data acquisition to a controller
  • Easily transportable - less than 15 lbs

Find the right package for you

ASL Cloud currently has two membership packages available to its users, with a third package available shortly. You can upgrade your package at any point during your membership.


Our entry level to ASL Cloud. The Standard package simply allows the user to access their data and our Cloud System.

  • User Access for Multi Users
  • Download and Export of Data into Excel
  • Remote Monitoring of Multi Sites
  • Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Email Alarm Notifications


Our most popular choice. The Premium package provides access to user and ASL Cloud Team for data management.

  • User Access for Multi Users
  • Download and Export of Data into Excel
  • Remote Monitoring of sites
  • Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Email Alarm Notifications
  • Bi-Directional Communication for Remote Fault Diagnostics
  • Predict Sensor Failures

Coming soon

Premium Plus

The Premium Plus package will allow access for the user and ASL Cloud Team but will also provide Bi-Directional communication, allowing remote maintenance and predict sensor failure.

  • User Access for Multi Users
  • Download and Export of Data into Excel
  • Remote Monitoring of Sites
  • Access for ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Data Management by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Monthly Data Reporting by ASL Cloud Technical Team
  • Email Alarm Notifications
  • Bi-Directional Communication for Remote Fault Diagnostics
  • Predict Sensor Failures

See the Benefits for Yourself - Book a Demo Today

You can book a demo below via the calendar function. Alternatively, for further information or to arrange a live demo of the ASL Cloud, please complete and submit the form below and one of the ASL Cloud Team will contact you on the same working day.

altitude safety

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